Wow, the weather is hot again, the dogs are spending more time inside in the shade and I’m glad we’re not at any shows! It is looking like there will be no actual dog shows this year now as more cancellations come in every week. Probably for the best to keep everyone safe.
I have entered a couple more online shows though and had some nice results.
COS – Collie Online Show – Dilys Best Veteran in Breed and Reserve Best Veteran in Show, Jasper Reserve Best of Breed and Best Puppy in Breed, judges Derek Allsop and Christina Chapman (BIS) Christina Chapman’s critique of DIlys ‘Reserve – the smooth collie good outline pleasing head but what a great shot of side gait showing perfect stride again a very hard choice here.’
Daisy Best Junior in Breed and Junior Group 4, Best Yearling in Breed and Yearling Group 2 & Finn Best Veteran in Breed