One of my favourite shows & a chance to see a lot of Smooth Collies in one place. Yet again, the quality was very high and the veterans were on top form. Dilys gained her 2nd Reserve CC and thoroughly enjoyed herself. She did manage to break out of her soft crate at one point though, luckily we managed to stop her before she made it to the show ring – she really wants to be centre of attention all the time! She got a second chance to strut her stuff as part of the Champions’ Parade held over the lunchtime break, with a beautiful rosette to show for it too.
Daisy was third in a nice class of 5. Archie and Dolly had some stiff competition, Dolly was 2nd to the eventual Best Puppy in Breed and is really getting the hang of this showing lark – you can see that she’s having a ball.