Finn is still the clown, such a happy and affectionate boy, it’s hard to believe he will soon be twelve years old. Time really does fly by.
Spring is starting to make an appearance, the garden is full of daffodils, hyacinth and birdsong. The dogs are happier to be able to spend more time outdoors without having to undergo the indignity of being towelled down when they come back in!
I’m always keen to make use of any health testing possible for my dogs and recently had Daisy and River tested for Dermatomyositis (further info here). I’m very happy to see that both of them are low risk, a great result for our girls. I also had River tested for the Merle gene, after attending a very interesting talk hosted by The Smooth Collie Club of Great Britain, and I was again happy the results confirmed that River does not carry the merle gene, so is a true tricolour.