Lancs and Cheshire Collie Club Open Show, 03 November
2nd Post Graduate Bitch, Louise Williams
Vulnerable Native Breeds Open Show, 03 November
3rd Limit Bitch, Hazel Allsop

Yorkshire Collie Club Champ Show (no CCs), 03 September
2nd Limit Bitch, Emily Bemelmans ‘5yo sable and white girl of a more petite stature but still with some substance and good bone. Very feminine girl with a sweet expression and dark correct eyes and flat skull. Her ears are well set but would prefer them a little heavier on the tip. Moderate length of neck into a well-laid back shoulder but a shorter forearm which
sadly reduced her reach on the move. She has good rear angulation but needs a bit more rise over the loin and she is a little more square in proportion than I would like.‘
London & Provincial Champ Show, 26 August
3rd Limit Bitch, Bridgette Bodle
Otley Open Show, 1 August
2nd Open, Tom H Johnston ‘Slightly smaller cast but balanced . Good head piece and nice eye and well-placed ears. Good neck depth and firm elbows. Good loin and well bent stifle. Good tail and in good coat. Covered ground well holding nice profile.’
Riddings Open Show, 4 June
1st Open, Best of Breed, Denise Rowan ‘Correct head qualities, well balanced and smooth in outline tapering into a smooth wedge shape with a slight but perceptible stop, flat skull, super eye shape obliquely set with the correct ear placement giving her that lovely sweet expression, good reach of neck, back level and firm with a slight rise over the loins, Angulation was good and she covered the ground well, smooth and effortless with plenty of drive from behind.’
Yorkshire Collie Club Open Show, 27 May
2nd Post Graduate, Paul Richardson ‘5 year old Sable and white bitch, overall head was good, just not quite parallel on the head planes and really struggling to use her ears today. Strong neck and well sprung ribs, level topline, well-muscled rear thigh. Good feet. overall body was more filled out than one‘

Edwinstowe Open Show, 7 April
2nd Post Graduate, Lucy Mottram ‘another nice girl and it was a close decision between these two. Attractive head with required expression, just preferred the movement of 1.‘
Yorkshire Collie Club Open Show, 19 February
1st Limit, Richard Kinsey ‘5 year old sable. Another well toned exhibit that used the ring to her advantage on the move. Well proportioned in head with sweet expressive eyes, ears set on and used well to her benefit. Moderate angulation front and rear giving her balance when stacked or on the move where she is steady and true in any direction. Shown in good conditioning all through’
Retford Open Show, 19 March
3rd Open, Jo White

Stafford Open Show, 23 September
2nd Open, Andrea Richardson ‘4 ½ year old sable bitch, lovely head and expression with dark almond eye, good overall construction and well angulated front and rear. Good bone and neat feet, moved well.’
Yorkshire Collie Champ Show (no CCs), 04 September
2nd Open, Bill Rogerson ‘Another lovely 4 year old bitch that has a lovely balanced head, nice eye and good ear carriage. Her make and shape was very good with good reach of neck and shoulders. Good top-line and moved very well with a good tail carriage.’
Huntingdonshire Open Show, 20 August
3rd Open, Sally Pointon
Otley Open Show, 2 August
1st Open, Reserve Best of Breed, Laura Jay ‘4-year-old sable bitch of super breed type, good head with flat skull, dark brown almond shaped eyes giving sweet expression, strongly made with muscular neck, good bone and shown in fit condition, a sound & smooth mover. RBOB’
York Open Show, 30 July
1st Open, Reserve Best AVNSC, Pete Simmons
Ashfield (Notts) Open Show, 12 June
2nd Open, Christina Dalby ‘4-year-old Sable and White bitch. Lovely feminine head, with a nice dark eye, correct scissor bite and nice set to ears. Again, nice arch to neck with good length. Nicely angled at front and rear allowing her to move well with little effort. Lovely condition.’
Riddings Open Show, 05 June
1st Open, BoB, Pastoral Group 2, Ray Wilkinson ‘Lovely 4 year old female nice to handle with good lines and well balanced so sound.’
Yorkshire Collie Club Open Show, 28 May
3rd Open, Louise Williams
Edwinstowe Open Show, 15 April
2nd Open, June Fort ‘Mature 4 year old, feminine with good expression, arched neck and correct topline. Sound and fit in body but not moving with as much reach and drive.’
Mansfield Open Show, 03 April
1st Open, RBoB, Sandra Williams ‘Nice bitch, lovely head, deep chest with plenty of heart room, firm neck into good laid back shoulders balanced body, lovely rear angulation, built for purpose, moved well. RBOB.’
Retford Open Show, 20 March
2nd Open, Tom Johnston ‘Another of good type, size and shape. Good head piece with good eye and expression. Pleasing neck into body of good depth with good rib. Moderate rear angles and also has nice bone. Moved with steady action but not as outgoing as winner today but has much to like.’
British Collie Club Champ Show (1), 05 March
VHC LB, Sandra Wigglesworth
St Helens Open Show, 20 February
1st Open, BoB, Sophie Wray-Ramsden ‘4-year-old sable/white bitch who appealed immediately. Head is feminine and clean with no depth or coarseness with a lovely dark eye, good flat skull and a clean stop. Well arched neck into well laid-back shoulders, good depth of chest and length of back giving a balanced outline. Good hind angulation and well let down hocks which enabled her to move steadily with drive. Happy to award BOB.’
Newark Open Show
2nd Open, Sandie Tadd ‘a 4 year old lovely bitch with a most striking of heads, smooth lines in all directions with the most sweetest of expressions, large tipped ears with little width between used well, good scissor bite, all female, with a good length of neck well arched and well muscled, going on to well angulated shoulders, strong topline, and good bend of stifle and good hocks. Moved well, just preferred the 1st. on overall movement.’

Burton-on-Trent Open Show, December
1st Open, Best of Breed, Hazel Allsopp ‘Sable bitch of good shape and size lovely in profile. Head of correct proportions lovely almond eye, well set ears used well, strong neck good topline, nice angulation ribs well sprung but not over done in any way. Moved well with drive. Was pleased to award her BOB.’
British Collie Club Ch Show, February
3rd PGB, Anne Smith
St Helens Open Show
2nd PG, Steve Bennett ‘2 years old sable and white girl. Nice temperament. Balanced head and body ratios. Proportionate blunt wedge-shaped smooth head, flat skull and muzzle. Parallel head planes, almond shaped dark eyes, ears well set on head, Good front and rear angulation, front legs straight and parallel, ribs well sprung, good depth and width of chest. Level topline. Tail reaches to below hocks. Unfortunately, she did not appear to be happy particularly with the floor surface when she moved, which given how it affected her moving and standing I could understand.’
Matlock Open Show
1st PG, Pete Simmons ‘2Yrs stunning head shape with a good eye giving a sweet expression lovely arched and muscular neck into good slope of shoulder, good straight front, good front assembly with moderate bone giving off a good profile when stood and on the move, good firm topline which she held on the move at all times, good rear angulation, good tail length moved well with a good stride with good rear drive moving effortlessly.’
Yorkshire Collie Club Open Show
3rd PG, Amy Kinsey ‘Similar to 1st Lovely expression but ears a little light, Nice angulation front and rear but a little tucked under when free standing today.’
Lichfield Open Show, January
1st PG, Best of Breed, Kathie Kinton ‘Lighter boned, feminine head with sweet expression but still proud. Correct body length, movement good side profile and moved at correct speed. Best of Breed.’

Lincoln Open Show, December
1st PG, Best Of Breed, Jackie Tune ’23 months old sable bitch of excellent breed type. Feminine head with correct eye/ear. Arched neck into well laid shoulders Angulation good front and rear. Slightly unsettled on the move but managed to shine in the challenge to be awarded Best of Breed’
British Collie Club Open Show
1st PGB, Josh Blackburn ‘ Sable and White, would like more of her, sweet head and eye, pleasing foreface, good chin, good chest, would like a touch more neck, good shape and topline, moved and showed well.’
Collie Association Champ Show, November
1st PGB, Sue Bird ‘ Nice head & expression, good eye shape, correct bite with good under jaw, strong neck & well laid shoulders, good length of back & well-muscled hindquarters allowed steady movement.’
Grantham Open Show, October
1st AVNSC PG, Mrs P Lepley ‘Smooth Collie. Well proportioned, feminine bitch with good head, correct eyes and a lovely expression. Good shoulders and body. Excellent movement.’
Lancs & Cheshire Collie Open Show
1st PGB, Jan Milligan ‘Sable well balanced with nice eye and expression ears a little light but did not distract. Good depth of chest and neat feet. Moved well holding topline.’
Darlington Champ Show, September
1st PGB, Di Spavin ‘Two nice bitches, lovely to go over, super head and eye, well placed mobile ears, good front and forechest, strong neck, pleasing topline, well bent stifles, harsh waterproof coat.’
City of Birmingham Champ Show
Res PGB, Robin Newhouse
Smooth Collie Club of Great Britain Champ Show
Res PGB, Frank Kane
Leeds Champ Show, July
2nd PG Bitch, Bev White ‘ Smaller s/w bitch who is very feminine. Well balanced with correct conformation and moved very well. Head is clean and she has a lovely dark eye. Very light ears.’
East of England Champ Show
2nd JB, 1st PG Bitch, Sheila Beeney, ‘Another sable bitch, not quite as well proportioned as 1, correct length of neck, good depth of chest, good topline, low set tail, would like a little more bone. Preferred the head of 1.’
Smooth Collie of The Year, June Puppy of The Year 2019, Caz Waterhouse ‘For me today The Smooth Puppy of the Year 2019 was awarded to KOCZKODAN MIDNIGHT SUN, her femininity I found very appealing. She was completely balanced on the move giving her the edge over the rest.’
Chesterfield & Pinxton Open Show
3rd AVNSC Junior, 2nd AVNSC PG, Richard Lucas
London Collie Club Champ Show
2nd Junior Bitch, 1st PG Bitch, Pat Lister ‘A little finer bitch, good topline, sweet head and lovely eye placement and shaped. Showed and moved well.’
British Collie Club Open Show
1st Junior Bitch, 1st PGB, Doris McDade ‘sable nice shape well balanced throughout moved well.’
Staffordshire & Birmingham Open Show, May
2nd Junior, 1st PG, Joe Smith, ’17 month old bitch. Scored for outline. Lovely overall proportions. Well balanced head piece. Very good croup and tail set.’ 1st AV Junior, 1st AV PG, Sue Nicholls-Ward
Yorkshire Collie Open Show
1st Limit, RBOB, Yvonne McGrath
Coventry Open Show
2nd JB, 1st PGB, Mike Vines ‘ 16 month sable Smooth Collie, did well to represent the breed, so much to like about her, just came up against a very strong OES, liked her for type, profile and presentation. Best of heads, especially well placed ears. Top and under lines good. So very well balanced on the move, reach and drive coupled to pace completed the picture. Well done.’
Scottish Kennel Club Ch Show
2nd JB, 1st PGB, Duna Jones, ‘ Bigger type bitch, nice head, good eye and neat ears. Good body and moved quite well.’
Collie Association Open Show
2nd Sp Yearling Bitch, Julia Swann, ‘ stunning young lady who was so well made I am sure she will have a great future a good size and shape nice breed type good temperament and so nice to go over lots to like about her moved very soundly both ways feet well padded and nice short nails deep chest firm top line nice tail carried well on the move low coat in lovely condition.’
Smooth Collie Club of GB Open Show
2nd Junior Bitch, 2nd PG Bitch, Kate Arrowsmith, ‘Sixteen month old sable and white. Another attractive show girl, feminine head, well place ears, nicely set tail, carried well on the move.’
Birmingham National Ch Show
3rd JB, Simon Burton, ‘Balanced lighter boned s/w with a sweet expression who didn’t have the extension or drive on the move of 1 & 2 today.’
Lancs & Cheshire Collie Club Ch Show
1st JB Sandra Wigglesworth ‘upstanding bitch putting on a good show performance, being longer in vertebrae consequently looked instantly bigger, head handles well, and gave everything to her handler, strode out but rather happy with her tail.’
Colne, Nelson & District Open Show, April
1st AVNSC Junior, 1st AVNSC PG, Best AVNSC, Pastoral Group 4, Gerry McCallum ‘Sable and White B of around 15 months old. Look of quality about her. Very typical in head with correctly shaped muzzle and correct stop. Bite good. Well set semi erect ears, carried correctly. Eye and expression good. Neck of a lovely length. Front assembly good. Perhaps a shade short in body. Quarters angled very well and croup and tailset good. Moved very well.’
Eastwood Open Show
1st AVNSC Junior, 2nd AVNSC PG, Bridgette Bodle ’15 mth sable b, she has such a lovely outline, blunt wedge head with well set ears and sufficient underjaw, straight front and deep brisket, good length of neck and tidy elbows, moved out smoothly and easily’
Derby Open Show
1st AVNSC Junior, 1st AVNSC PG, David Hubble ‘Nice bitch with a good head and expression, good reach of neck and length of back, moved freely with reach and drive RBOB’
Edwinstowe Open Show
1st Junior, 1st Post Graduate, Best of Breed,Chris Biggs, ‘beautiful S/W wedged head almond eye correctly placed good stop well placed ears strong arched neck good shoulder placement body slightly longer that height tail well set on carried low on move well muscled thighs which show in her movement best mover of the day B.O.B G3.’
1st AV Junior, 1st AV Post Graduate, Pastoral Group 3, Edith Pryor
Mountsorrel Open
AVNSC 3rd Graduate, Allyson King
Wellingborough Open Show
AVNSC 1st Junior, 1st PG, Best AVNSC, Pastoral Group 3, Hazel Fitzgibbon ‘ Smooth collie with so much to like. Feminine head with well set and used ears. Good reach of neck into clean shoulder. Moving out with reach and drive apparent. Lovely bitch.’
Mansfield Open Show
AVNSC 1st Junior, Margaret Harkin, ‘ lots to like about this feminine girl, very alert & moved freely with drive.’
Retford Open Show, March
AVNSC 2nd Junior, 2nd PG, Tony Drinkwater, ’14 months clean shape not over done good shaped head dark eye correct dentition good coat moved well’
3rd JB, Zena Thorn-Andrews
British Collie Club Ch Show
1st JB, Michelle Fort ’14 month sable, with nice outline and overall balance, nice head eye and expression and ears, nice neck, straight front oval feet good body and topline, well angulated, moved soundly’
Newark Open Show, February
2nd AVNSC Junior, Karen Willoughby ‘Good head and ears, moved very well.’
Matlock Open Show
1st Junior, RBOB, Paula Meacham, ‘Bitch Sable & White. Nice wedge head, good eye, ears could be higher, neck a little short but goes into a nice back and tail, needs longer stride in front but moves well behind with neat feet and good bend on stifle. Res breed of breed.’
St Helen’s Open Show
1st Junior, RBOB, Kate Holinshead, ’13 month feminine s/w bitch lovely dark almond eye with sweet expression, well placed ears which she used well, nice bone, well arched neck, in good coat, moved and showed well.’
Yorkshire Collie Open Show
2nd PGD/B, Sophie Wray, ’13 months sable bitch of a very similar type to the winner. Many of the previous comments apply here. Very pretty with a lovely eye. Ears are well placed, but just a little light compared to the winner.’
Isle of Ely Open Show
2nd Junior, Evan L Ryan ‘presents a balanced outline standing & moving. Good head and eye, very keen in expression and well pigmented; enough neck & shoulder, firm topline & neat underline, not quite the accuracy when moving of Vaguley Blue today but one to be proud of. Presented in great condition.’
2nd AV Junior, Kirsty Miller, ‘ lovely sized and well balanced Sable & White Smooth Collie bitch. Good head proportions, with slight but perceptible stop. Correctly shaped, dark brown eye, giving the desirable expression. Brilliant reach of neck and excellent depth of chest. Firm topline with good rise over the loin. Hindquarters well-muscled. Moved with drive and sound behind, just pinned slightly in front. Went around the ring well in profile.’
Cambridge Open Show, January
1st J, RBOB, Felicity Snook, ‘Nice sable and white bitch, just over a year old, presented in excellent condition. Good head proportions, with slight but perceptible stop. Pleasing dark brown eye, giving sweet expression. Would prefer ears to be carried a little more semi-erect for perfection. Up on patterns, showing flexibility without weakness. Good reach of neck and excellent depth of chest. Rather a compact body, which I would have preferred slightly longer. Noticeable when compared to the Open class winner. But nice firm, level back with correct rise over the loin. Well-muscled hindquarters allowing her to give drive from the rear to move and cover the ground well. Tail nicely reaching her hock joint. Super oval feet, with arched toes, close together. RESERVE BEST OF BREED.’ 2nd AV J, Lynn Dumbrell
Manchester Ch Show
2nd JB, Robin Searle ‘Thought her head better than first, very nice coat presentation, well done, needs to fill in.’

LKA Ch Show, December
1st PB, BPB, RBPIB, Brian Hawkins, ‘Well presented sable & white. Good head properties and pleasing eye and expression. Good reach of neck and balanced body. She moves and covers the ground very well.’
Burton on Trent Open Show
1st PD/B, RBOB, BPIB, Abby Lusty, ’11 month old sable and white bitch. Compact bitch with feminine head. Good fill of foreface, head needs time to develop but she is young. A little open in angulation but balanced. Excellent depth of chest, would prefer a tad more length but she was long enough. Good drive from the rear on the move. BP and RBOB. Pleased to see her awarded Puppy G2′ Pastoral Puppy G2, Sandra Gibson
Collie Association Ch Show, November
3rd PB, Mrs J Gregory
Clitheroe & District Open Show, October
1st Puppy, BPIB, Pastoral Puppy G1, Angela Harvey, ‘Elegant sable bitch of 11 months, everything in proportion. Head handles well with clean cheeks, no depth or flare and a lovely flat skull, very mature for her age. Feminine expression. Well muscled body with good depth of rib, nicely angulated, moderate length of arched neck, collected, stylish and sound on the move. Best puppy in breed and Pastoral Puppy Group One.’
Lancs & Cheshire Collie Open Show
1st PB, BPIB, RBPIS, Bart Vandaele, ‘9 months old, sable. in excellent condition, head in proportion to the body, correct head proportions, slight but perceptible stop, black nose, correct colour of the eyes, ears could be more semi-erect , scissor bite, good length of neck, correct topline: loin slight rising, tail reaching at the hock, chest deep, well sprung ribs, angulations in fore- and hindquarters in balance, feet oval, sound movement, coat: hair of correct texture and colour. Nice temperament, very well presented.’
Driffield Ch Show, September
2nd AVNSC PB, Dave Killilea, ‘8 month old Smooth Collie with a pleasing head and good neck and shoulders. Stands parallel in front and firm through the body for her age. Firm in the rear and moves well for her age.’
Darlington Ch Show
1st PB, RBB, BPIB, Bill Rogerson, ‘Super sable and white bitch that stood and showed herself off. Lovely head, dark eyes and ear carriage. Excellent reach of neck and topline. Good bend of stifle. Moved very well and carried her tail correctly. One I believe will have a great future.’
Yorkshire Collie Club Open Show
2nd PD/B, BPB, RBPIB, Brenda Trundley ‘has a lovely outline, just preferred the dog’s expression’
City of Birmingham Ch Show
Res PB, Jill Peak
Smooth Collie Club of GB Ch Show
2nd PB, Val Geddes, ‘Smaller s/w very compact but all in proportion, sweet head and expression, good outline and moved well. Hope she grows on.’
Scunthorpe Open Show, August
2nd AVNSC P, Bridgette Bodle, ‘ Such a pretty fawn b, good wedge head and well used ears, lovely neck and shoulders, firm in topline and loin, in muscled condition, moved out well in profile but just a little loose when coming to.’
EACA Ch Show
3rd PB, Natalja Skalin
Leeds Ch Show, July
1st PB, BPIB, Jan Starkey ‘Lovely puppy, good head and eye, well constructed with lovely jacket of good clear colour, moved and showed very well, Best Puppy.’
York Open Show
1st AVNSC P, BPIB, Mike Vincent ‘ s/w of lovely type. Super head, eye and expression. Good front, shoulder, chest and topline. Well ribbed, good rear. Moved soundly.’
NWPB Ch Show
2nd PB, Derek Smith, ‘ High quality s/w with a super body for a tender age, liked her head very much but could use a little more underjaw and ears need attention, lovely coat and condition and a sound mover.’